Posted in Reflections

Black … Color? Or Not?

Scientists say No; True black is the absence of color. In the visible spectrum, white is actually a presence of all colors. But black absorbs it, sucks it all in. And there I fell in love with black;

It contained all color. It wasn’t a negation of color, rather the most aristocratic color of all. You can be quiet, and it contains the whole thing.

What comes to your mind when you hear “Black”…?
‘Sophistication / power / elegance / formality / mystery / death / fear / depression’?

Usually Black is attached with many negative connotations, as humans instinctively fear the darkness, and anything that lurks in the night. Some people abominate Black saying that it represents darkness. But is there any way to realize the power of light without experiencing dark? Such people often forget that dark paths often lead to periods of brilliance. After all pitch black is the background of stairs.

Yet without Black, where would we be? Not reading this, for a start – aren’t you reading this in black text on a white background?

Black is real sensation, even if it is produced by entire absence of light. The sensation of black is distinctly different from the lack of all sensation.                                                                        -Hermann von Helmholz

Life is always lead by ones perception. There is serenity for those who want to see. Black is an eye color you see when you pray. I read somewhere that ‘ Black is the color of night while white is the true color of death.’

Truly said,’In the distance between black and white lies the color of the soul’. Throughout our lives, we try to unfold a mystery as unseen as black. We have our own paths to solve this mystery elucidated by the various shades of life sometimes colorful sometimes colorless, and ultimately we become as still as white.

There’s something to the feeling of not knowing your surroundings, not seeing the color of things as they appear, but as they truly are. There’s some mystery about the unknown, the quiet, the cold. There’s something unspoken about the dark, something I can never quite put words to. Something terrifying at times yet beautiful.

Black is a feeling, modest and arrogant at the same time. It is lazy and easy – but mysterious. But above all black says this: ‘I don’t bother you – don’t bother me.’


Just a novice in this world ... :)

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